Saturday 1 June 2013

"What books can you recommend that will help me improve my game?"

This is a question I'm asked from time to time, so I will occasionally introduce some of my most helpful books, starting with the classic:

MY SYSTEM by Aron Nimzowitsch

Nimzowitsch was a contemporary of Alekhine, and actually defeated him once or twice. So he's no lightweight! Read this book to learn about "restrain, blockade, destroy", "prophylaxis", outposts, the best use of rooks (mysterious rook moves), and much more. I'm told that even GMs return to this classic to brush up their technique. Just make sure you get the algebraic version, if that's what you're used to. Published by Hays Publishing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This Question is really asked lots of time , but also another Question i been asked is
What books do you recommend to study in Strategy , Tactics , Endgame ,Opening
So what is your ideas about that?
because it is really hard to find the book according to elo .
I like Silman's Complete Endgame Course: From Beginner To Master because it's chapter is divided into elos (ex:- if you are below 1400 then 1400-1600)not by subjects (knight's endgame , queen's endgame,...)is there other middlegames books that looks like this