UCI and XBoard Engines (x86)
For x86-based Android devices (such as Google TV), any engine binary that has been compiled for 32-bit x86 Linux will work. This format is widely available for many chess engines.UCI and XBoard Engines (ARMv5TE)
Engine binaries that run on ARMv5TE-based Android devices (most phones and tablets) are not widespread yet. The entries below, however, list such engines, either as a link to the engine's website or as a direct download of a binary compiled by Aart Bik (for all direct downloads, the engine authors have given kind permissions to post the binaries on this website).![[tour3]](http://www.aartbik.com/MISC/tst3.png)
Individual engines:
- Alfil (Enrique Sanchez)
- Alfil 12, Alfil 13
- BikJump (Aart Bik)
- Critter (Richard Vida)
- Critter 1.6a
- Cheng3 (Martin Sedlák)
- Cheng3 1.07
- Pos (Folkert van Heusden)
- BrutePos for Android 1.1
- Cinnamon (Giuseppe Cannella)
- Cinnamon 1.1
- DiscoCheck (Lucas Braesch)
- DiscoCheck 3.7.1
- DiscoCheck 4.0.1
- DiscoCheck 4.3
- GarboChess (Gary Linscott)
- Gaviota and Gaviota endgame tablebases (Miguel Ballicora)
- Gaviota 0.86
- GNUChess for Android (Olivier Esser)
- GNUChess 6.0.2
- GreKo (Vladimir Medvedev)
- H.G. Muller's Engines and Tools
- FairyMax 4.8 (also needs fmax.ini)
- micro-Max 4.8
- p2p 0.3 (peer-to-peer GUI connection adapter)
- Iota (Daniel White)
- Jim Ablett's Chess Projects (list is growing daily!)
- UCI: adroitchess, apilchess, arasan, cassandre, cheng, cyrano, daydreamer, diablo, doublecheck, garbochess, greko, jazz, komodo, pawny, pepito, redqueen, rocinante, rotor, simplex, sissa, stockfish, suff, sungorus
- XBOARD: buzz, chess-one, crafty, danasah, exchess, gfc, gk, gullydeckel, kmtchess, knightcap, mizar, mskcp, natwarlal, olithink, olithink, phalanx, scidlet, scorpio, sjeng-, sloppy, surprise, toledo-nanochess, uzz, zzzzzz
- Komodo (Don Dailey and Larry Kaufman)
- Michel Van den Bergh's website
- GNUChess 5.07
- RobboLito 0.085g3l
- Toga II 1.4.1SE
- Scorpio bitbases probing DLL egbbso.so (install this once to internal memory just like an engine)
- Minimardi (Juan Pablo Fernandez)
- Myrddin (John Merlino)
- Myrddin 0.86
- RedQueen (Ben-Hur Carlos Vieira Langoni Jr.)
- Rotor (Jan Brouwer)
- Rotor 0.7a
- Stockfish (Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba, and Joona Kiiski)
- Tjchess (Tony Hecker)
- Tjchess 1.1
- TSCP (Tom Kerrigan) As stated above, posted here with explicit permission. If you want to redistribute the binary, please contact Tom.
- Tucano (Alcides Schulz)
- VirutorChess for Android (Vaclav Vavra)
- VirutorChess 1.1.1
- ZCT (Zach Wegner)
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