As a taring when you a see a chess diagram try to find the next move before scrolling down
[Event "USA-ch"]
[Site "Tulsa"]
[Date "2008.05.13"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Akobian, Varuzhan"]
[Black "Gurevich, Dmitry"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D35"]
[WhiteElo "2601"]
[BlackElo "2513"]
[Annotator "Akobian"]
[PlyCount "63"]
[EventDate "2008.05.13"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "USA"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2008.07.03"]
{'D41: Queen's Gambit Declined: Semi-Tarrasch with 5 cxd5 '} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6
3. Nc3 Nf6 (3... Be7 {Very interesting move. Ideas here is to prevent Bg5
immediately}) 4. Nf3 (4. cxd5 Nxd5 {A rare move but White needs to know what
to do here to be able to get some advantage} (4... exd5 {The usual move here}
5. Bg5 Be7 6. e3 O-O 7. Bd3 c6 8. Nge2 {I like the Knight on e2 here instead
of f3} Nbd7 9. Qc2 Re8 10. O-O {Just a line} Nf8 {[%cal Gf2f3,Ge3e4] Here we
have the idea to pla f3 and e4} 11. f3 {Usually in this kind of structure
White's plan is Rb1 and b4-b5 and starts a minority attack , but when you put
the knight on e2 you have the idea of playing f3 which i prefer in this kind
of position})) 4... c5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. e4 Nxc3 7. bxc3 cxd4 8. cxd4 {The Main
move here for Black is Bb4+ but Black played ...Nc6 this gives White extra
option, so what can White play here?} Nc6 9. a3 {Keeping the bishops on the
board and that gives White advantage because White is trying to attack, he has
the control of the center and with more pieces on the board it is easier to
attack. So if you play this as Black you should play ...Bb4+ first} Be7 10. Bd3
O-O (10... Nxd4 $2 11. Nxd4 Qxd4 12. Bb5+) 11. Bb2 (11. O-O $2 {Losses the d
pawn} Nxd4 12. Nxd4 Qxd4) 11... Qa5+ {What should White do here Qd2, Nd2 or
move the king, What is the best continuation here for White, remember that
White is fighting for advantage [#]} 12. Kf1 {Now the game is going to be
very sharp because i lost my right to castle and Black will try to do some
ideas , Black will do some positions threats and White have to play the right
moves to stop these threats.} (12. Nd2 {Not ideal because you lose time by
bringing the Knight back and then foreword}) (12. Qd2 Qxd2+ 13. Kxd2 {About
equal}) 12... b6 {What is the idea behind this move? [#] Black is trying
to play Ba6 exchanging the bishop and if he can manage to exchange this bishop
and quickly put his rocks on C8 and d8 it will be extremely difficult to
attack because Black is very solid here, no weakness in the king side, so
without light square bishops White's attacking chances it will be very little,
so White can't allow Ba6 so how he can prevent that?} 13. Qe2 Bb7 {Planning ...
Rc8 and ...Rd8 so how can White attack here? Try to find a plan for White not
just the next move ? [#]} 14. h4 {[%cal Gh1h3,Gh3g3] Planning Rh3-g3, one of
the typical ideas to remember when you lost your right to castle} Rac8 (14...
f5 15. exf5 exf5 {How should White continue here? [#]} 16. d5 Qxd5 17. Bc4)
15. Rh3 Nb8 {Planning Ba6 exchanging the bishops and then exchange Queens. So
what is White best move to keep the attack and avoid that? [#]} (15... Rfd8
16. Rg3 {[%cal Gd4d5]}) 16. d5 {[%cal Gh3g3,Gd5e6]} (16. Rg3 {Is playable but
White has something better}) 16... exd5 {How should White continue? [#]} 17.
Rg3 f6 {How should White continue? What is the most precise move to continue
the attack? [#]} (17... g6 {Looks very unnatural because it weakness the
position. How should White continue? [#]} 18. exd5 Bd6 {[%cal Gd6g3]} 19.
Ng5 Bxg3 {What is the winning move? [#]} 20. Qh5 gxh5 21. Nxh7) 18. Nd4 {
[%cal Gd4f5,Gf5e7,Gf5g7] The knight and the queen aren't participating in the
attack} dxe4 {How should White continue? IS there a strong move for White?
[#]} 19. Qg4 {Bringing another piece to the attack with tempo} Rf7 {How should
White continue? IS there a strong move for White? [#]} 20. Bxe4 {[%cal
Ge4b7] Threating Bxb7} h5 {Trying to deflect the Queen from g4 but this move
also weakness the position. So what should White do now? [#]} (20... Qa6+ 21.
Bd3 {The Queen goes anywhere then} -- 22. Nf5) (20... Bxe4 $2 21. Qxc8+) 21.
Qe6 {[%cal Ge4g6,Gg6f7,Ge6g8] Threating Bg6} (21. Qg6 $6 Bxe4) 21... Bxe4 22.
Qxc8+ {[%cal Gc8b8] '+-' Houdini 3 Pro x64 (20s).} (22. Qxe4 $6 {is the weaker
alternative} {[%tqu "","","",Nc6,"",10]} Nc6 {Decoy: c6} 23. Rc1 Qa6+ 24. Qd3
Qxd3+ 25. Rxd3 Bc5 $11) 22... Kh7 (22... Rf8 23. Qe6+ {[%cal Ge6e4]}) 23. Qxb8
{Now White is a up a rook, so all he need to do is consolidate his position .}
Qd2 {[%cal Gd2b2,Gb2d4,Gb2a1] Black is threating ...Qxb2 then ...Qxd4 or ...
Qxa1, in this kind of position where White is up a rock he has a lot of ways
to win So how should be White's precise move here? [#]} (23... Qd5 {
otherwise it's curtains at once 'there is nothing better in the position'} 24.
Qc8 (24. Qe8 Bd6 $18) 24... Bd6 $18) 24. Qe8 (24. Bc3 $6 Bd3+) (24. Re1) 24...
Bd5 {Can you find the winning idea ? [#]} (24... Rf8 25. Qxe7) (24... Qxb2 {
'??'} 25. Qxf7 {[%cal Gf7g7,Gg3g7]} Qxa1+ 26. Ke2 {White's king is exposed to
Queen and bishop, but Black don't have anything here, the d4 knight protects
very important squares and Black don't have time to capture it '+-'} Qb2+ (
26... Qxd4 27. Qxg7#) 27. Ke3 {[%cal Ge3e4,Gf7g7]} Qc3+ 28. Kxe4) 25. Rxg7+ {
'!' 'Decoy: g7' '!' Houdini 3 Pro x64 (20s).} Kxg7 (25... Rxg7 26. Qxh5+ {
'Double attack'} (26. Nf5 {Decoy}) 26... Kg8 27. Qxd5+ {[%cal Gd5b3,Ga1e1]})
26. Nf5+ Kh7 (26... Kg6 27. Nxe7+ {'Mate attack'}) 27. Nxe7 {[%cal Ge8g8,Gg8g6]
'Combination'} Bxg2+ 28. Kg1 {[%cal Ge8f7,Ge8g8,Gg8g6]} Rg7 29. Qxh5+ Qh6 30.
Qxh6+ Kxh6 31. Nf5+ Kg6 (31... Kh7 32. Nxg7 $18) 32. Nxg7 $18 1-0
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