Houdini Chess Program Crushed!! - Using The A.R.B Chess System , A.R.B. = Anthony R. Brown . He has his own way of beating chess programs. His video explains it.
How to play the System... from the Youtube video and Talkchess... here is the basic idea....
(1) The Main idea of the System is to Cramp your Opponents Position! Drive them back
and limit their Opportunities!
The System came about because of the Growing Strength of Chess Computers!
Now the Best in 2013 are Rated at 3000+ ELO Stronger than any Human in history!
the System works because the Chess Game Tree has not been Solved?
(2) The Pawns are the Soul of Chess! By the famous François-André Danican Philidor
[link to wikipedia removed]
and Never! more so than with (A.R.B.C.S)
(3) The Majoroty [sic] of Blacks Pawns are developed before the Pieces one square third
(4) The Knights are developed on the Centre squares second rank and act as
Guardians to the Pawn structure...and only as Attack Pieces if the reason is Good.
(5) The Bishops are developed on the diagonal second rank squares and act as
Skewer's slicing through the Board waiting for Prey!
(6) The Rooks can be used as Sacrificial Pieces because the Pawn structure that
develops weakens them...and of course if the reason is Good any Piece.
(7) The Queen! is the Queen! And can Dominate Closed Positions so look after her!
(8) The King Rules...but only if he has loyal followers...So Protect him well!
(9+) There are many more ideas/rules contained within the System...a Book is needed
to describe everything...maybe that will be next on the list.
How to play the System... from the Youtube video and Talkchess... here is the basic idea....
(1) The Main idea of the System is to Cramp your Opponents Position! Drive them back
and limit their Opportunities!
The System came about because of the Growing Strength of Chess Computers!
Now the Best in 2013 are Rated at 3000+ ELO Stronger than any Human in history!
the System works because the Chess Game Tree has not been Solved?
(2) The Pawns are the Soul of Chess! By the famous François-André Danican Philidor
[link to wikipedia removed]
and Never! more so than with (A.R.B.C.S)
(3) The Majoroty [sic] of Blacks Pawns are developed before the Pieces one square third
(4) The Knights are developed on the Centre squares second rank and act as
Guardians to the Pawn structure...and only as Attack Pieces if the reason is Good.
(5) The Bishops are developed on the diagonal second rank squares and act as
Skewer's slicing through the Board waiting for Prey!
(6) The Rooks can be used as Sacrificial Pieces because the Pawn structure that
develops weakens them...and of course if the reason is Good any Piece.
(7) The Queen! is the Queen! And can Dominate Closed Positions so look after her!
(8) The King Rules...but only if he has loyal followers...So Protect him well!
(9+) There are many more ideas/rules contained within the System...a Book is needed
to describe everything...maybe that will be next on the list.
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Enter New Game"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[PlyCount "162"]
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d6 3. Nf3 h6 4. Nc3 a6 5. Bd3 g6 6. O-O b6 7. Be3 Bg7 8. Qd2 Bb7
9. d5 e5 10. a4 Ne7 11. Ne1 g5 12. Bc4 f5 13. f3 f4 14. Bf2 Ng6 15. Qe2 h5 16.
a5 Ke7 17. axb6 cxb6 18. Nd3 b5 19. Bb3 Qc8 20. Rad1 g4 21. Kh1 Bf6 22. Rg1 Nd7
23. Rgf1 Qg8 24. Nb4 Kf7 25. Nc6 Nh4 26. Rg1 Re8 27. Qe1 Qg5 28. Nb1 Reg8 29.
c4 g3 30. hxg3 fxg3 31. Be3 Qg4 32. Rf1 Nxf3 33. Rxf3 h4 34. Bf2 h3 35. Rxg3
hxg2+ 36. Kxg2 Qh3+ 37. Kf3 Rxg3+ 38. Bxg3 Nc5 39. Qh1 Qxh1+ 40. Rxh1 Rxh1 41.
Bc2 Bxc6 42. dxc6 b4 43. c7 Rh8 44. Nd2 Rc8 45. Nb3 Rxc7 46. Ke2 Na4 47. Na5
Nxb2 48. Be1 Nxc4 49. Nxc4 Rxc4 50. Bd3 Rd4 51. Bf2 Rxd3 52. Kxd3 Bd8 53. Kc4
a5 54. Ba7 Bc7 55. Be3 Kg6 56. Kd5 b3 57. Bc1 a4 58. Kc4 Bb6 59. Kb4 Be3 60.
Bb2 Bd4 61. Ka3 Bxb2+ 62. Kxa4 Kg5 63. Kxb3 Bd4 64. Kc4 Kf4 65. Kd3 Ba1 66. Ke2
Kxe4 67. Kd2 d5 68. Kc2 d4 69. Kb1 d3 70. Kc1 Ke3 71. Kd1 e4 72. Ke1 Kf3 73.
Kd1 e3 74. Kc1 Kf2 75. Kb1 e2 76. Kxa1 d2 77. Kb2 d1=Q 78. Kc3 e1=Q+ 79. Kc4
Qe4+ 80. Kc5 Qda4 81. Kb6 Qec6# *
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