[Event "Montcada op 18th"]
[Site "Montcada"]
[Date "2010.06.27"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Karlsson, Lars"]
[Black "Narciso Dublan, Marc"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A01"]
[WhiteElo "2453"]
[BlackElo "2535"]
[PlyCount "119"]
[EventDate "2010.06.25"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "ESP"]
[Source "ChessBase"]
[SourceDate "2010.09.01"]
{Houdini 3 Pro x64 (60s): 'A01: Nimzowitsch-Larsen Opening '} 1. b3 e5 2. Bb2
Nc6 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bb5 Bd6 5. Na3 e4 {Another good answer to the Na3. Planning
Bd5} 6. Nc4 Be7 7. f4 Nb4 8. Ne5 O-O 9. a3 Nbd5 10. Be2 d6 11. Ng4 Nxg4 12.
Bxg4 Bh4+ 13. g3 Bxg4 ({better} 13... Bf6 14. Bxf6 Nxf6 15. Bxc8 Rxc8 {[%cal
Gc7c5,Gd6d5,Gd5d4,Gf8e8]}) 14. Qxg4 Bf6 15. Bxf6 {White has a mate threat} Qxf6
16. Rb1 a5 17. Nh3 (17. Ne2 c6 $11) 17... Nb6 18. f5 d5 19. Nf4 Rfd8 {Black
plans d4} 20. O-O d4 (20... Rd6 21. d3 $15) 21. Nh5 Qh6 22. f6 g6 23. Ng7 dxe3
24. Nf5 Qh5 25. Qxh5 gxh5 26. dxe3 Kf8 27. Rf4 {White threatens to win
material: Rf4xe4} Nd5 {Black threatens to win material: Nd5xf4} 28. Rxe4 {
Sacrifices material} ({Also possible and leads to draw} 28. Rh4 Nxf6 29. Rf1
Ra6 30. Rhf4 Rd2 31. Nh4 Ke7 32. Nf5+ Ke8 33. c4 Rb6 34. Nh6 Ng4 35. Rxe4+ Re6
36. Nxg4 hxg4 37. Rxg4 Rxe3 38. Rg8+ Ke7 39. Rg7 Rxb3 40. Rgxf7+ Kd6 41. R1f6+
Ke5 42. Rf5+ Ke4 43. Rf4+ Ke5) 28... Nc3 {Black threatens to win material:
Nc3xe4} 29. Re7 {Praise the rook!} Nxb1 30. Nh6 {White threatens to win
material: Nh6xf7} Rd1+ 31. Kg2 Rd2+ 32. Kh3 Ra6 {Black threatens to win
material: Ra6xf6} (32... Nxa3 33. Rxf7+ Ke8 34. Re7+ Kd8 35. Nf7+ Kc8 36. Re8+
Kd7 37. Rxa8 $18) (32... Rxc2 {the weaker alternative} 33. Rxf7+ Ke8 34. Re7+
Kd8 35. Nf7+ Kc8 36. Re8+ Kd7 37. Rxa8 $16) 33. Rxf7+ Ke8 34. Re7+ Kf8 35. Rf7+
Ke8 36. Re7+ {Twofold repetition} Kd8 37. Nf7+ Kc8 38. Re8+ Kd7 {Black
threatens to win material: Kd7xe8} 39. Re7+ Kc8 40. Re8+ Kd7 41. Re7+ {Twofold
repetition. 'the rook is the rook!'} Kc6 42. e4 $2 (42. Ne5+ Kc5 43. b4+ (43.
Rxc7+ $143 Kd6 44. Re7 Rf2 (44... Nxa3 $143 45. Nf7+ Kd5 46. c4+ Kc6 47. Ng5
$11) 45. Nc4+ Kc5 46. Rxb7 Nd2 $17) 43... axb4 44. axb4+ Kb5 $11 (44... Kxb4
45. f7 $11) 45. f7 $11) 42... Rf2 {Black threatens to win material: Rf2xf6} (
42... Nxa3 $142 {Black has a promising position} 43. Ne5+ Kc5 44. Rxc7+ Kd6 $17
) 43. Ne5+ $15 Kd6 44. Nc4+ Kc5 45. e5 {White has a new strong pawn: f6} (45.
Rxc7+ $2 {doesn't work because of} Rc6 46. Rd7 Rcxf6 47. Rd5+ Kc6 48. Rxh5 Kc7
$19) 45... b5 {Black threatens to win material: b5xc4} (45... Kd5 46. Nb2 $15)
46. Nb2 $11 ({Instead of} 46. Rxc7+ Kd4 47. Rd7+ Ke4 $15) 46... Rf5 (46... Rxc2
47. f7 Ra8 48. Re8 Rxe8 49. Nd3+ Kb6 50. fxe8=Q $18) 47. Nd3+ ({Weaker is} 47.
Rxc7+ Kd4 48. f7 Re6 49. Rd7+ Ke4 $15) 47... Kd4 48. f7 (48. Rxh7 $2 {is
inferior since it leads to} Nxa3 49. Rd7+ Ke3 $19) 48... Nxa3 49. Nf4 Nxc2 (
49... Rxf7 $1 50. Rxf7 Kxe5 51. Rxc7 a4 $11) 50. e6 $14 {White has a new
strong pawn: f7} Ke5 $4 (50... Rxe6 $142 $1 {would save the game} 51. Nxe6+ Kc3
52. Rxc7+ Kxb3 53. Rxc2 Rxf7 54. Nd4+ Kb4 55. Nc6+ Kb3 $16) 51. Rxc7 $18 Ra8 (
51... Rxf7 {hoping against hope} 52. exf7 Rf6 53. Nxh5 Rxf7 54. Rxf7 Na1 $18)
52. Rc5+ Kd6 53. Rxf5 (53. Rxc2 $6 {is a weaker possibility} Ke7 $11) 53... Ke7
54. Rg5 (54. Nd5+ $142 {keeps an even firmer grip} Kxe6 55. Nc7+ Kxf5 56. Nxa8
Ke4 $18) 54... Rf8 55. Rxb5 Rh8 56. Rb7+ Kf6 57. e7 Kxf7 58. e8=Q+ Kxe8 59.
Rb8+ Ke7 60. Rxh8 $18 1-0
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