Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Instructive game 9:- Capablanca, Jose–Tartakower, Saviely

A game that I liked (ChessBase 12)
[Event "New York"] [Site "?"] [Date "1924.??.??"] [Round "6"] [White "Capablanca, Jose"] [Black "Tartakower, Saviely"] [Result "*"] [ECO "A85"] [PlyCount "103"] [EventDate "1924.??.??"] [Source "ChessPublishing"] [SourceDate "2002.02.24"] 1. d4 e6 2. Nf3 f5 3. c4 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. Nc3 O-O {White prepares to trade off Black's king knight or king bishop, both of which are important attacking pieces in this opening.} 6. e3 b6 7. Bd3 Bb7 8. O-O Qe8 {Black plans to attack on the kingside by 9...Qh5 and 10...Ng4.} 9. Qe2 {White prepare to meet 9... Qh5 by 10.e4 when Black's pieces will be embarrassed in the center.} Ne4 10. Bxe7 Nxc3 11. bxc3 Qxe7 12. a4 {Preventing 12...Qa3 and preparing to play on the queenside by 13.Rfb1 and a later a5.} Bxf3 $5 {This is horrible: Black's bishop is his best piece and he voluntarily gives it up. He should play 12... d6 and 13...Nd7 to solidify his position in the center.} 13. Qxf3 Nc6 14. Rfb1 Rae8 15. Qh3 {Preventing Black from freeing himself by 15...e5. Black should now try to get some play on the kingside by 15...g5.} Rf6 16. f4 Na5 17. Qf3 d6 18. Re1 Qd7 19. e4 $1 fxe4 20. Qxe4 g6 21. g3 Kf8 22. Kg2 Rf7 23. h4 d5 $2 ({ A fine defence gives} 23... c5 $1) 24. cxd5 exd5 25. Qxe8+ Qxe8 26. Rxe8+ Kxe8 {We have now reached a classic ending) White has a bishop against a knight and a target on g6. Black struggles to get counterplay, but by giving up material White strengthens his bind until Black finally gives up.} 27. h5 $1 Rf6 {27... gxh5 28.Rh1 Kf8 29.Rxh5 Wins a pawn for White.} (27... gxh5 $2 28. Rh1 { favours White.} Kf8 29. Rxh5) 28. hxg6 hxg6 29. Rh1 {Now each of White's pieces is more active than its Black counterpart.} Kf8 {Black wants to move his rook to the c-file but can't allow a pin by Bb5.} 30. Rh7 {Now White's rook has an ideal position on the seventh rank. Black's king is in a box and will soon become the object of attack by all White's pieces.} Rc6 ({Not} 30... Rf7 $2 31. Bxg6 $1) 31. g4 Nc4 $2 {Black doesn't take on c3 as that would give White connected passed pawns on the kingside. He brings his misplaced knight to the kingside, but the time this takes lets White tighten his bind there.} ({ The surprising} 31... g5 $1 32. fxg5 Rxc3 33. Bf5 Nb3 $1 {saves the game.}) 32. g5 Ne3+ 33. Kf3 Nf5 ({No rescue brings} 33... Nd1 34. Rh6 Kf7 35. f5 $1 Rxc3 36. fxg6+ Kg8 37. Ke2 $1 Nb2 38. Bf5 {(Alekhine).}) 34. Bxf5 gxf5 {White has exchanged his strong bishop for a desicive manoeuvre. 'White has given up his bishop for Black's knight and must now lose his c- pawn, but now his king has a clear path into Black's position by g3-h4-g5-f6.} 35. Kg3 $1 ({The common move in this type of position don't work} 35. Rd7 Rxc3+ 36. Ke2 c6 $11 (36... Ra3 37. Rxd5 Rxa4 38. Rxf5+ Kg7 $14 {[%csl Ra7,Rb6,Rc7,Rf4,Rg5] Slight advantage due to his advance pawns but the material are equal and it will be long time until White promote the pawns}) 37. Rxa7 Rc4 38. Kd3 Rb4 39. Rc7 Rc4 40. Ke3 Kg8 41. Kf3 Rc3+ 42. Ke2 Rc4 43. Ke3 $11) 35... Rxc3+ {Sacrificing two pawns, one of them with a check to create very powerful team of the rock and the king and the pawn creating mate ideas and promotion.} 36. Kh4 Rf3 $2 { Black lacks a serious defence. '36...Rc1 37.Kh5 Rh1+ 38.Kg6 Rxh7 39.Kxh7 c5 40. g6 And White gets a new queen.} ({Another option for Black} 36... Rc1 37. Kh5 ( {Don't work} 37. g6 {because there is a check} Rh1+ 38. Kg5 Rxh7 39. gxh7 Kg7 { Black trades the active White Rock and then takes the advance pawn} 40. Kxf5 c5 {Creating counterplay on the other side of the board, this psition of probably a draw becuase the f-pawn will be promoted and there will be Queen endgame}) 37... c5 ({don't work here} 37... Rh1+ 38. Kg6 {[%cal Rh1h7,Rg6h7,Rg5g6,Rg6g7, Rg7g8]} Rxh7 39. Kxh7 {[%cal Gg5g6,Gg6g8]}) 38. dxc5 (38. Rd7 cxd4 39. Rxd5 Rd1 40. Kg6 d3 41. Kf6 Ke8 42. g6 {[%csl Gd3][%cal Gg6g7,Gg7g8,Gd5d3] Winning}) 38... bxc5 39. Kg6 {[%cal Gg6f6,Gh7h8] Planning checkmate} Rb1 {[%cal Gb1b6, Gb6g6]} 40. a5 {[%csl Gb6] Taking the square a5 from the rock}) (36... a6 $142 $14 {had to be tried to avoid defeat}) 37. g6 $1 $18 Rxf4+ 38. Kg5 Re4 (38... Rxd4 39. Kf6 Ke8 (39... Kg8 40. Rd7 {And Black get mated.}) 40. Rxc7 (40. Rh8+ Kd7 41. g7 Rg4 42. g8=Q Rxg8 43. Rxg8 Kd6 44. Kxf5 Kc5 {White should be winning be it is not so easy because Black will have too many pawns, so White shouldn't harry to promote this pawns.}) 40... Rxa4 41. g7 Rg4 42. Rxa7 {[%cal Gg7g8] White will win easily after that with the Blacks separated pawns}) 39. Kf6 $1 {Capablanca has given two pawns for an attack on the king. 'White doesn't take the f-pawn because it will shield his king from checks on the f-file. The g6 pawn is all he needs to win with his mating battery of king and rook in place. Now the pawn on g6 is extremely strong} Kg8 40. Rg7+ Kh8 $4 { solves nothing} (40... Kf8 41. Rxc7 {[%cal Gc7c8,Gg6g7,Ge4e8,Gc8e8]} Re8 42. Kxf5 {[%cal Gc7a7,Ga7b6,Gb6d5] And White can collect Black pawns easily} a6 $18 ) 41. Rxc7 $18 Re8 42. Kxf5 {White only captures after Black's rook has been reduced to passive defense.} Re4 (42... a6 43. Ra7 a5 $18) 43. Kf6 Rf4+ 44. Ke5 Rg4 45. g7+ $1 {it's all over} (45. Rxa7 $6 Rxg6 46. Kxd5 Kg8 $18) 45... Kg8 ( 45... Rxg7 46. Rxg7 (46. Kxd5 {Zwischenzug}) 46... Kxg7 47. Kxd5 Kf7 48. Kd6 Ke8 49. d5 {And the d- pawn can't be stopped.}) 46. Rxa7 Rg1 47. Kxd5 Rc1 48. Kd6 Rc2 49. d5 Rc1 50. Rc7 Ra1 51. Kc6 Rxa4 52. d6 {Capa showed inspiration and technics. This game became his turnaround in the tournament. White will get a new queen. If you don't see this, Check the remaning analysis. 1-0} (52. d6 b5 53. d7 Rd4 54. Kxb5 Rd6 55. Kc5 Rd1 56. Kc6 Rd4 57. Kb7 Rb4+ 58. Kc8 Rd4 59. d8=Q+ Rxd8+ 60. Kxd8 Kh7 61. Rc6 Kxg7 62. Ke7 Kh8 63. Rg6 Kh7 64. Kf7 Kh8 65. Rh6#) *

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